Oh the ocean conservation irony! Well, things are certainly on a roll in terms of paradoxes hitting the headlines over the last couple of days, but this time it’s not about underfishing. My intuition says there’s a payoff in the works; perhaps some good PR, maybe a few feel good dollars to hopefully get the world to close their eyes, or perchance it is simply a BRIBE…a $2 billion dollar dolphin slaughter, whaling kickback if you will.
According to a report by the Associated Press, Japan (the country harpooning whales for “scientific research”) has pledged $2 billion dollars to:
“…help developing nations reach species-preserving goals that are being debated at a U.N. conference…”
Wow! I know what you’re thinking, “How could this offer by the great whaling nation get any more poignant?” No worries as I have a quote that will make you realize the country permitting the butchering of dolphins is gung-ho for marine conservation.
“We must stop this great extinction in our lifetime,” Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan said at the conference in Nagoya, southwest of Tokyo.
Hmmm, profound indeed and glad to see Japan is committed to preserving whales, dolphins, tuna, etc. Now I’ll remove my tongue from my cheek and continue on with my day knowing our oceans are in good chopsticks hands.
That’s so sad…I’ve always loved visiting Japan and their culture, but whaling for “science” is just disgusting