At least 81 bird species inhabit U.S. marine waters, spending their lives at sea and returning to islands and coasts to nest.
At least 39% of bird species in U.S. marine waters are believed to be declining, but data are lacking for many species.
Of 81 ocean bird species, almost half are of conservation concern.
4 that are federally listed as endangered or threatened.
37% of ocean bird species have stable population trends.
12% of the 81 ocean bird species have  increasing populations.
12% of ocean birds do not have enough data available to determine population trends.
Longline fisheries worldwide injure and drown as many as 60 bird species.
Reference: North American Bird Conservation Initiative, U.S. Committee, 2009. The State of the Birds, United States of America, 2009. U.S. Department of Interior: Washington, DC.